Day 8     6/13/2023

Santo Domingo

Frank's Trip

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Church of the Dominicos

The Last of the 'Firsts'...

Today I have pictures of the First University in the New World and the First Catholic buildings in the New World and the oldest still standing church. It is amazing to see these things, and many others in this city, that are over 600 years old. At the same time, it is sad to understand that this New World for Europeans meant the end of the world of millions of indigenous peoples throughout the North and South American continents and the horrors brought to those peoples.

I have been very surprised by the transportation available here in the Dominican Republic. This is the first place I have visited without a plethora of Tuk-Tuks running around. Not many taxis, either - at least so far as I can tell. Very few have a "Taxi" light/sign on the roof so it's not possible to just stand by the street and hail one - they must be called. Or, in Columbus Park there are always some hanging out. I missed the Tuk-Tuks - so easy to get a short ride cheaply; I got a lot more exercise without them. Missed being able to just go to the curb and hail a cab, too.

Parque Duarte

Bull ring spectacles were once held in what is now Duarte Park.

In the 19th century, this was the place chosen by the Trinidadians to meet and launch a plot against the Haitian occupation that took place during the period between 1822 and 1844. In 1930, the statue of the father of the country Juan Pablo Duarte was erected , which remains in the center of the square that bears his name.

Parque Duarte

Parque Duarte Parque Duarte
Elmudesi Building - Durate park

Elmudesi Building

The Elmudesi building is considered part of the architectural heritage of the Dominican Republic. Built between 1936-38 and located on the corner of Duarte Park.

Elmudesi Building - Durate park

Convent of the Dominicos

The Convent of the Dominicos, founded in 1510, was the first of this order installed in America and the studies of the Chair of Theology that were taught in there were promoted to the category of University. According to the UNESCO, it was the headquarters of the first university in the Americas, which was called the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino. In 1534 the convent began its classes, and in 1538 it became the first university in the Americas.

Convent of the Dominicos
Convent of the Dominicos Convent of the Dominicos Convent of the Dominicos
Convent of the Dominicos Convent of the Dominicos Convent of the Dominicos

Church of the Dominicos

The Church and Convent of los Dominicos of the Colonial City of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, is the oldest Catholic building in continuous use in the Americas. The church is situated right next to the convent, is considered as the oldest one still standing in the Americas. Construction began 1510. During the passage of the pirate Francis Drake, it was the only building that did not suffer any damage, since the most famous pirate of the time apparently respected some sanctuaries.

Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos   Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos
    Church of the Dominicos
Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos Church of the Dominicos

Video: Church of the Dominicos

The interior of the church is beautiful and this video shows some of it


Click [ ] icon for full screen

Calle el Conde

Calle del Conde

At the beginning of Calle del Conde is a late-20th-century bust of Bartholomew Columbus, Christopher's brother and the founder of Santo Domingo.

Once the thriving commercial heart of Santo Domingo, starts from Parque Colon and runs to the Puerta del Conde. Still a thriving commercial area loaded with street side art displays, and every sort of store and shop.

Below are some of the buildings in the Calle el Conde area.

Calle el Conde
Calle el Conde Calle el Conde Calle el Conde
Calle el Conde Calle el Conde Calle el Conde
Calle el Conde Calle el Conde Calle el Conde
Calle el Conde Calle el Conde Calle el Conde
Calle el Conde Calle el Conde Calle el Conde
Calle el Conde Calle el Conde Calle el Conde
Calle el Conde Calle el Conde Calle el Conde

Edificio Baquero

Built in 1927, the Baquero building is one of the first tall buildings in the capital and probably the first to use elevators. It is a highlight of Calle El Conde.

Edificio Baquero -1927 Edificio Baquero -1927 Edificio Baquero -1927
Edificio Cerame - 1924 Diez Building - 1929 Diez Building - 1929
Edificio Cerame - 1924 Diez Building - 1929

Primera Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana

The Evangelical Church was built in 1922 and its design is by the architect Benigno Trueba Soares.

"First Dominican Evangelical Church". Although its name suggests that it was the pioneer in the country, it is not like that, it is simply the name that this temple received, created by the union of three churches, the Presbyterian, Methodist and United Brothers.

Primera Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana Primera Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana Primera Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana
Primera Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana Primera Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana Primera Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana

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