Day 3 - Hot Springs   10/14/21

Arkansas Road Trip

Frank's Trip

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Hot Springs

Hot Springs has a storied history as the "Sin City" of its relatively later time. From the early hot "healing" springs and the lavish development that brought forth to the gangsters, gambling and vice that eventually came along with it, the history is fascinating. "Bathhouse Row" is part of the National Park. Going through one of the lavish old bathhouses is fascinating.

Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR
Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR
Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR
Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR
Fordyce Bathhouse
The Fordyce Bath House is the Visitor Center for the National Park. It is also the bath house "museum exhibit" for what these institutions were like - so take the time to walk through and enjoy the exhibits and the various rooms. See what the tubs, changing rooms, massage rooms, and the general setup of bathhouses was like. Enjoy the wonderful stained glass - particularly the ceilings, as well. An elevator is available for those who may not wish to walk up and down stairs.
Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR Hot Springs AR

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