Day 13     11/14/22

Egypt - Cairo

Frank's Trip

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Museum of Islamic Art

Cairo Museum of Islamic Art ...

I took a "vacation day" from sightseeing for an easy day at the museum. I'm not really much of a "museum person", but I do like the occasional visit to a really interesting or unique one. The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo does have a beautiful setting and almost every display has labels in English and Arabic. Some are a challenge to photograph because of the glass or Plexiglas surrounding them and the glare on it that severely disrupts a photo. They have some excellent exhibits and it was an interesting and very easy day... I needed that!

Museum of Islamic Art

The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo, Egypt, contains one of the largest collections of Islamic art and artifacts in the world. The history of the museum goes back to the reign of Khedive Ismail (1863-1879), who founded a national museum in Cairo in 1869 to mark the inauguration of the Suez Canal.

Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Marble Column - 14th Century Wood door plated with copper - 13th Century
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Oil Lanterns of copper and bronze - 15th Century
Museum of Islamic Art

< LEFT: Wooden Cupboard with carved and painted decoration and ivory inlay - 14th Century

> RIGHT: Foundation slab from Al-Amrt Mosque at Qus of Upper Egypt. - 12th Century

Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art

Table of copper alloy inlaid with silver - 14th Century

Wooden tables carved and/or inlaid with ivory and/or ebony- 14th Century
Museum of Islamic Art Wooden portable Mihrabs
(for praying)
12th Century
Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Astrolabe of copper alloy, gold and silver - Turkey - 15th Century Planetarium of copper alloy - Egypt - 17th Century Compass of copper alloy - Iran - 18th Century
Museum of Islamic Art

< LEFT: Stucco arched window - 12th Century

> RIGHT: Door from Mausoleum of Sayyidah Nafisah - 12th Century

Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Ewer made of copper and decorated in enamel and gold Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Marble casing pieces from Ottoman Turkey - 16th Century
Museum of Islamic Art 2 Incense Burners of gold inlaid with diamonds and Glass Bonbonniere - 19th Century Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art

Glass Vessels 7th - 8th Century

Museum of Islamic Art

Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Human Anatomy Manuscript - 17th Century Mosque Lamps Stucco carved panels - Iraq - 9th Century
Some items of a bridal trousseau in the Muslim Ages
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art

Museum of Islamic Art


Museum of Islamic Art

Museum of Islamic Art
Ceramic bird statuette - 12th Century Ornate fountain and pool and associated wall coverings Horse cover of silk with velvet piles and embroidered silver threads
Museum of Islamic Art Golden Jewelry from 10th - 16th Century Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art

< LEFT: Wormer of painted wood decorated with ceramic tiles - 17th Century

> RIGHT: Holy Quran - 19th Century

Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Tombstone of carved stone - 9th Century Tombstones of carved basalt with inscriptions in shallow relief - 12th Century
Museum of Islamic Art Marble Tombstone Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art

Marble cenotaphs - 16th - 18th Century

A cenotaph is an empty tomb or monument erected in honor of a person whose remains are elsewhere

Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art

Wooden Cenotaph - 12th Century (6th Century AH)

While at the museum I noted a group of Islamic folk around this particular box and very excited about being there with it. I asked what the particular interest in this items was and was fortunate in speaking with one of the gentlemen who was fluent in English. He explained the story of this box (not referenced at all in the museum tag) and their interest in it.

Islam faced a divide in the 600s AD upon the death of the Prophet Muhammad. This resulted in the division of Sunni (for sauna or tradition) and Shia Moslems. Shia Moslems were/are followers of Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law Ali Ibn Abi Talib who they believed should succeed Muhammad and became the 1st Shia Imam. As part of the power struggle following Muhammad's death, Ali was assinated in 661 AD. The people I spoke with were Shia Moslems and revere this box because it is said it was used to transport his body or some part of it when it was moved from its original burial in the 12th Century AD.

Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Table Cabinets (Jewelry Boxes) made of wood inlaid with ivory - 18th Century Museum of Islamic Art
Door of carved and painted wood inlaid with ivory - 17th Century Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art Museum of Islamic Art
Carved stucco frame of a window - 10th Century Marble Door decorated with floral and geometric designs. A gift from the King of Afghanistan - 18th Century

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